I just got through watching Miguel's presentation as FOSDEM. If you've never seen Miguel give a presentation, you really should watch one. He has all the excitement and showmanship of Steve Jobs, only it's completely natural and spontaneous instead of super-polished. (As evidenced by the fact that things don't always go right.) I had suggested he appear on The Daily Show as "equal time" after Bill Gates pimped Vista on it.

I don't really know what the target audience is at FOSDEM, but this is a great talk for Windows developers interested in porting their apps to Mono. There's some history and background for the first ten minutes, but then he moves into how to use MoMA on your applications, the types of things it detects, and what they mean.

After that, it gets even more interesting (to me) as Miguel breaks down the data we have received from MoMA. He provides statistics about what types of apps people are running in the wild, how many we support, and approximately what it will take to get a larger chunk of them running on Mono.

The rest of the video shows some of the applications that are running today on Mono, like Miguel's port of Paint.Net, Mono usage in Second Life, and an attempt to display a game running on Unity's game engine.

As he came to the MoMA part, I was really proud and figured I would cut out that part and post it so people could check it out. As I continued watching, I realized it's a large part of the talk, so I'd just point people to the whole video instead. :)

The video is available here. It is called "FOSDEM2007-TurboCachingLinuxWithMono.ogg".

The video is encoded in Ogg, which I didn't have. To play it in Windows Media Player, you will need to download and install the Ogg codec, which was painless.


Anonymous said…
Yeah it was a lot of fun. I would like to download the second presentation he made in the openSuSE track. There was a video camera, but I have no idea where is the video gone. IMHO the second talk was maybe even more interesting than the first one.
-- "I am being tapped?"

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