Hack Week 2

For Hack Week this time, I decided I wanted something that I knew could be completed during the week, as I did exactly zero work on my last project after Hack Week.

So I revisited an old application of mine. As chronicled previously, I had written a Jabber/Xmpp client in VB.Net back in the day. So I spent this Hack Week finishing the conversion to C# and ensuring that it ran on Mono on Linux. I have a couple of bugs I need to file that I found, but it seems to run quite nicely on openSUSE:

Hopefully we can add it to the Mono VMWare image after said bugs are fixed. For now, it is located at: http://code.google.com/p/xmppapplication/.

And just to do something a little wilder and failure prone, I also spent some time getting MonoDevelop running on Windows. It will load, but some work definitely needs to be done before it is shippable:

Once again, thank you Novell for Hack Week!


Jakub Rusinek said…
Could you create multiprotocol instant messenger? Pidgin, which promised to be good for GNOME doesn't integrate well with, while GNOME's project, Empathy, is developed slowly...

And I have a question: what is your GTK theme? Very nice. Give me a link (; .
Jakub Rusinek said…
Very nice GTK theme...
Jonathan Pobst said…
I think this would integrate even worse than Pidgin with GNOME. This is not GTK, it is Winforms, although most of it is custom drawn. :)
Temp Variable said…
Any instructions on getting the latest MonoDevelop to run under Windows? Or is it too much trouble?

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