
Showing posts from October, 2009

If you build it, they will come

Ever since I got a dog, and realized said dog would fetch himself to death given the opportunity, I have threatened to build him an automatic ball thrower. Unfortunately, I have the mechanical skills of a chinchilla. Fortunately, someone else has done all the hard work for me: The Automatic Canine Fetch Machine (catchy name!) This is great for those people who want a dog, but don't want to have to actually interact with the dog. It's like getting a television for your toddler. Even a cold, soulless ball throwing mechanotron bucket can't say no to these eyes:

I don't get KDE

Last night while browsing the internets, I saw some screenshots of KDE 4.3 running on openSUSE 11.2. I've never tried KDE, so I installed the openSUSE 11.2 M8 build to briefly play with it. What got me interested was this element of the KDE desktop: I look at that and see hope. It is elegant and refined. It is glassy and tasteful. It says: "I can easily compete with Windows 7 and OSX." Simply put, it is beautiful. Yes, there are some problems with it. The buttons do not highlight in any way on hover. There are no tooltips, so I don't even know what the top two buttons do. From what I can tell, they do absolutely nothing. But it really lives up to KDE's reputation of eye candy. And then you open a window: It is.. gray. There is no glass. There are no gradients. There is no depth. There is no elegance. There is just gray. It says: "I am kicking Windows 95's ass! Barely!" I just don't get it. How can half of your desktop (let's ...


Has anyone created a farting app using MonoTouch yet, or is my golden ticket to riches still available?