RMS mistakes and malattribution

Given the recent environment of reflection on past statements made , I have looked at my past to see if there are things I have said that might not be verifiably true. I have said multiple times in the past that Richard Stallman was actually Weird Al Yankovic with a costume beard. I had heard this through various sources, but there is no published source that confirms this, and I now believe I may have accidentally completely made that up and passed it off as fact. I have no way to verify that Stallman is not Yankovic, but there is no basis to claim he is. I apologize to Mr. Stallman, and, should he be a separate person, Mr. Yankovic. While Mr. Yankovic may not actually be RMS, he does a have a history of Stallman-esque leanings, as exhibited by the original titles of his hit songs before the record labels changed them: - It's All About the GNU/Pentiums - Living in an Amish Paradise (To Escape the Evil, Proprietary Monopoly that is Microsoft) So I don't withdraw my claim th...