
Showing posts from April, 2007

Winforms 2.0 Update

It's been quite a while since we released Mono 1.2.3, and the winforms team and contributors have been busy. I often reference the MoMA reports for what areas I need to be working on. Since the MoMA reports haven't been updated to reflect things that have now been implemented since 1.2.3, I did some quick and dirty comparisons so I could filter out what's been done. According to my numbers, as of 1.2.3 there are 995 winforms methods that people have reported as in-use in their real world applications that we are missing. Since 1.2.3, we have implemented 335 of them, leaving us with 660 to go. I think that's pretty good progress for about 2 months. As the number gets smaller, it will probably take longer to implement things, as they are generally the harder ones left. Two of the biggest places we are missing stuff are WebBrowser and MaskedTextBox, which are the only 2 controls we are completely missing. WebBrowser accounts for 154 of the missing methods, and Maske...


This was originally going to be an email to the mono winforms list, but it got too long, and people won't read long emails, so I'm putting it here instead. The following really applies to people working inside the mono winforms assembly, not consumers of it, but someone may find it interesting. Recently I made a pretty fundamental change to the way SetBoundsCore (and bounds setting in general). Because it seemed to go very smoothly and only broke a few easily fixable cases, I didn't really alert people the way I should have. Everaldo found a case I missed, and there's probably more, so it's important that everyone knows what the change was and how it may affect them. SetBoundsCore looks like this: void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) where BoundsSpecified contains things like X, Y, Location, Width, Height, Size, All, None. The old understanding of how this worked, and the way mono implemented it, was that the BoundsS...